Miss Mo goes Dating
The Singapore guys are really getting on my nerve. I know I shouldn't stereotype but I just can't help it. I think the sms culture is partly to be blamed.
So, I met this guy online. Let's call him IT TT. We exchanged cell via emails and since then he has been smsing me but we have never talked on the phone! I really didn't mind it at first. But he's really getting on my nerve.
Here's what he sends:
"Hi Chee Yan. Getting off work soon? I'm going home now. Any plans tomorrow?"
My reply was:
"Still at work. I'm meeting my friends tomorrow. And you?"
Analysis - I really don't care whether you're going home. If you want to ask me out, then just ask. Don't ask what I will be doing tomorrow.
Yesterday at work, he sent a sms again. He wrote "Any plans tonight?" CY "I'm going to play tennis." He wrote "I'm too lazy to do any sports. Maybe we're not compatible." I thought "If that's what you think, then fine with me.:"
Then at around 9pm, he sent "Finished your tennis game?"
I didn't write back. At around 11+pm, he wrote "Chee Yan, what are you doing now?"
I think "Grrr....Do I have to tell you that I'm actually surfing the internet, doing nothing. I really don't want to waste 1 sms saying that."
I wrote "I just had a shower, going to bed soon.
Oh, IT TT is a strange bird too. He asked me once "Do you take health supplements?" I said "That's a strange question to ask. Why?" He texted "Oh, because I take. Everyday, I take fish pill, bee pollen, multivatimin, green tea extract, blah blah blah. It keeps me healthy and give me beautiful skin." Hmm...I think he can also exercise.
Help me! I really don't wish to communicate with him anyone. I think it's kind of waste of my time, energy and sms messages to communicate with him. But I feel rude just not texting him back. But it's kind of getting out of hand. I guess if he calls and chat, I really won't mind but this smsing to and fro is becoming annoying. But I'm not going to call him first.
i think if i were him, i might get impatient that i send him a nasty reply or just ignore him...but i guess you are nicer than me...
if he wants to talk to you then he'd better call. you don't need to waste your sms on him.