Miss Mo goes dating
I'm not sure whether I've mentioned KH to you before. He's someone I met months back at the Jewel Box. He's the one that kept sending me sms on the World Cup scores. I have NOT gone out with him once.
A couple of months back, I met him again at East Coast. I was biking.
Since then, he has been text messaging me and sending me emails. Of course, I have not been replying to any of them.
Today I kind of freaked out when he sent me a long email. He described how the current haze reminds him of his Tasmania trip a couple of years back. He attached 2 pics of foggy scenary and described the pictures. Can you believe it!?!
First, he's, like most people here, is making a big deal out of the haze. It's like the haze is poisonous and nobody can be outdoors. I guess it's become a topie but there's nothing much to talk about. Second, I don't understand why he still doesn't get the message that I'm not interested in him. I have NOT not responded at all. He's really scaring me.
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