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Hot in the City

This is about the life of Miss Mo, a 30-something gal who recently moved back to Singapore from the US.


Seoul-searching Night @ Dempsey

Hurrah, it's another great friday! Whoever invented fridays is a genius -- it is the most awaited day of the week! Likewise we continue to design another program for this evening, with the intention of (a)getting to know more hip places in Singapore so not just regular places; (b)enjoying ourselves during the course; (c)hangin'and chillin' out with the peeps that we love.

The lovely evening kicked off at Chang Korean BBQ. Christian Slater decided to abandon ship just under 5 mins of wait, kinda dampened the spirits of Miss Mo a little. I thought it was sort of lame too. We decided to call him FU and that kinda helped uplifted Miss Mo a bit.

The signature Korean BBQ aroma was lingering around the compound, though i thought the interior was sort of bare like as if they were trying to look modern but didn't know what to do with the space. Whatevers, so we went into our room and very aptly YDD & her koibito made their grand appearance. So Miss Mo's guess was spot on! koibito = TK Tan!

Ok, back to ordering food....I tried to order bulgogi, kimchee chigae, kimchee jaeyook bokkeum which is stir fry pork with kimchi, but the manager said they cook the bulgogi inside the kitchen (ok fair enough) but they didn't have the rest - WTF! We were choked with shock. Never heard of a korean restaurant that does not have the basic stuff...i guess having lived in NYC (or SF for TechnoCoolie) for a fair bit, we do have certain kind of expectation and standard for ethnic foods like that.

Anyways so we ordered the Ginseng-marinated beef, a Wagyu beef and a bacon for BBQ, shared a seafood soon doboo and a vegetarian bibimbap for our vegetarian soon-to-be Mrs TechnoCoolie. Our verdict: Not good lah! The beef all tasted the same -- tasteless!! and too small a cut; the bacon was far too thick i insisted, the soon doboo was quite thin too there was no kick. Even Mrs TechnoCoolie said her bibimbap suck! We started reminiscing how we used to wolf down the kimchi soon doboo & BBQ Kalbi at the Fort Lee korean joint in NJ. WA~~~i really miss NYC now....WA~~~

Despite the less than mediocre food, the company was great, even though soon-to-be Mr+Mrs TechnoCoolie refused to reveal how the proposal happened. YDD was sharing her Hokkaido trip with us and we got to meet TK Tan, which you can read about on YDD's blog. She brought some oishii Hokkaido chocolate-corn cookies that definitely was the hightlight of the dinner, and that saved the night, i must say!

Next we moved on to OOosh, we thought the receptionist was kinda bitchy, she was like, with a snort: "sorry tonight full, you got to make reservation next time" Shitty attitude. I remember her name N_DIA.

So we decided to check out the other place Hacienda, but we like had to walk around the compound braving hanging cables, muddy grounds and deep drains, in the darkness! It was an ok place, most of the people there we realised were rejects from Oosh. It was a nice night with the full moon and kinda cool after the rain to be sitting outside. The TechnoCoolie couple then revealed their wedding to be held on my birthday. Miss Mo and I started to give them concepts of various wedding ideas since they are not doing the usual thing. One good one was since this is going to be held on April Fools', the guests will arrive to have to realise that there is no wedding at the said location, they will be given clues and will need to perform tasks. The first 20 to arrive will be allowed to celebrate the rest will be barred outside having to watch from a tv screen. Of cos this is all inspired by Amazing Race...kekeke...

Over all we had a fun night because of the company. TK Tan despite new, was really loose and comfortable, we thought YDD might be too shy...kekeke, RELAK LAH! :) We will continue to search for the real Seoul food in the coming months, with two recommended places already by local Korean expats. Keep checking in!


for this post

Blogger Unknown Says:

Not bad, I even delegate someone to write the blog on my behalf. Good job, superstar!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

with miss mo asking some "hair raising" questions, how to relax har?!

Blogger SuperSt*r Says:

just reply with hair raising answers lor :)

Blogger jokertan Says:

ha ha ha. nice meeting you guys and gals.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

hi.. for yr info.. Nadia is no longer with Oosh. And my sincere apologies if she offended u. :)

Blogger SuperSt*r Says:

hi anonymous, thanks for visiting this blog. could you identify yourself? we are curious. :)


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