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Hot in the City

This is about the life of Miss Mo, a 30-something gal who recently moved back to Singapore from the US.


Bus Uncle

Check out this video of this uncle in a HK bus scolding a young man. He's intimidating! There are several spoofs!

Go to www.youtube.com and search under 'Bus Uncle'.


Miss Mo's sad

Miss Mo's grandmother passed away today, peacefully in her sleep. She was 89, a nice little old lady who has been a housewife all her life. She will be dearly missed.


Miss Mo goes dating

Last night, IT guy MH text messaged MM. MM met IT guy MH at the Sibu trip 2 weekends ago. MH is chubby and wears gold chains.

IT guy called MM and his first question was 'Is it ok for me to call you on this line?'. MM was perplexed. MH continued to say 'Oh, my plan doesn't have free outgoing or incoming calls and my bill's around hundreds this month. What about you?' I told him sarcastically 'It really doesn't matter to me. We're going to talk that long, right?'

What's with all these calling plans? They should charge all calls so that all these guys would stop calling me!


Good Night, and Good Luck!

Miss Mo went to the theaters today. MM was supposed to go hiking with Miss YDD this afternoon. However, it was pouring so Miss Mo decided to watch a movie instead because she badly wanted to watch 'Good Night and Good Luck'.

MM highly recommends this movie. It's about CBS journalist Murrow used the TV as a tool to fight over-zealous politician McCarthy on communisn during the 1950s.

All of you should check out this movie if you're interesed in what happened during that period and why Morrow is such a influential journalist.



Miss Mo goes Dating

Miss Mo went dating on Saturday. This time it was with IT guy SC. SC has been pretty impressive in terms of dating in Singapore. He has been calling Miss Mo and Miss Mo enjoys talking to SC.

SC invited MM to the Bontanic Gardens for a Chinese guided tour at the Evolution Garden. It was a nice short tour and there were a few ladies from China. MM chatted with one of them and she commented that MM spoke like a Chinese. Walau!

The date went well. SC and MM went to Liang Court for dinner. MM discovered a strange habit of SC. When SC reversed his car during parking, he had to open the door to peep out of the door to see where his car was going!!! And...SC said that he wouldn't want to get a Merz or any German car, he would like to get a Lexus! LEXUS!!! MM shakes her head. But MM finds SC ok so perhaps MM had to settle for a Lexus then.


Miss Mo goes Dating

Miss Mo has been receiving text messages from Engineer H lately. Engineer H would always sms Miss Mo asking 'Are you free for a short chat now?'. Miss Mo doesn't understand why Engineer H doesn't just pick up the phone and call Miss Mo. Why did Engineer H had to text message Miss Mo. Miss Mo found that pretty annoying and she always said it wasn't a good time to talk. LOL!

However, one day, Miss Mo decided that she should give Engineer H a chance so when Engineer H text messaged Miss Mo again for a short chat, Miss Mo called Eng. H instead.

However, guess what Eng. H said to Miss Mo when he picked up the phone?!? He said 'Do you have free outgoing calls?' Miss Mo was confused. Then Eng. H said 'My plan doesn't have free incoming calls. Can I call you from my home phone?' Miss Mo was shocked beyond words! How can Eng. H be so cheapskate when he's trying to chase a girl?!? Aiyoyo! Miss Mo wanted to laugh so badly!

Anyway, being the nice Miss Mo, they continued the conversation. Eng. H asked Miss Mo whether she was free that coming Fri because he wanted to ask her out to 'Bala', which is short for Balaclava. He heard that it was supposed to be 'cool' on Friday nights. That's so uncool for Eng. H to have said that. Miss Mo was just beyond words!


Miss Mo's angry with the Singapore Girl!

Miss Mo and Leon went to Bali. You can see our pictures in this blog too. Leon has earlier booked out air tickets online on the elitist airline in Singapore - the Singapore airline. The instructions were that we could print the boarding pass online. So I thought it'd be a breeze.

I didn't have a printer so I had to still check in with my e-ticket anyway. However, Miss Singapore girl insisted that Miss Mo provide a credit card. So Miss Mo gave her her credit card but Miss S'pore Girl said it got to be Leon's credit card. It was utter stupidity that I had to wait for Leon for the credit card and not be able to check in myself. Bodoh!

Anyway, on our way back to Singapore, another bodoh incident happened. Our tvs couldn't work. We asked one of the rare flight steward for help. He went to 'reset' our tvs. But after a few minutes, the tvs were still not working. But the flight steward did not even tell us what was the issue or offer his apologies. He specifically said 'I will go and reset it one more time and if it still doesn't work. Then it'd be a problem and then we'd be sorry'. We would put off by his comments. Shouldn't he apologize first for causing this inconvenience in the first place? We paid for such expensive airfare and yet he didn't think it was a problem. We were put off too that he didn't come back to tell us politely that 'he tried to reset but it's still not working. he's sorry'. No follow-up, no apology, nothing.

I'm going to write in to complain!


Recommended Literature for Miss Mo's Dates (well, most of them so far...)

How to Behave { Dating and Sex } A Guide to Modern Manners for the Socially Challenged
by Caroline Tiger

Get it here


Recommended Literature for Miss Mo

Bad Girl's Rate-Your-Date Journal: Your Guide To Playing The Field-And Keeping Score! (Be a Bad Girl)
by Cameron Tuttle, Susannah Bettag

A must-have for Miss Mo. Rate your Dates! I recommend!

Get it here


Is this legal?

I was at the YCK MRT station this evening and someone handed me this flyer. It is written by Campus Crusade for Christ and it refutes the Da Vinci Code book, saying that it is fiction and facts (ie the bible) is a fact and the Da Vinci Code is fiction.

I really don't think it is right to say that. Christianity is a religion and it's up to the interpretation of the believer. I know I'm not in the best position to say so but I feel that it is not right (legal?) for CCC to say that Christianity is right and what is stated in the book is wrong.

If CCC is confident enough of its beliefs then it shouldn't fear the threat of a bestseller that would topple its foundation that it has built.

In the first place, are they allowed to distribute such religious propaganda in the public vicinities?

Check out their website


Global Citizens?

I read this article today which I thought was simple but yet straight to the point.



Miss Mo Goes Dating

I don't understand why guys in Singapore would sms me to ask whether I'm free for a chat? If they want to call, then just call and if I don't have the time, I'd let them know.

I think if I'm nasty enough, I would reply their sms by saying 'No, I don't have time to chat with you but I have time to reply this sms.' Kekekeke!


Mr Charmer in Bali

Leon and I were at a restaurant one night in Bali. There was a group of singers going round the tables offering to sing songs for tips.

They approached this couple and after a few romantic Spanish songs, the burly guy proceeded to ask the group to play some background spanish music. He then stood up and faced his female companion and made a speech in Spanish. We didn't understand a word but from his gestures and the lady wiping tears off her eyes, it was pretty obvious that it was a declaration of love for the lady.

All of us at the restaurant were so impressed that we clapped. If only....


Anatomy of men's minds

I don't understand why IT guy D can so stereotypical of men.

He finally told me that he's dating someone else, just casual dating, not a serious relationship. OK? He wasn't going to tell me because he 'cares for me and doesn't mean to hurt me'. That's why he hasn't told me yet. Walau! This is so cliche. Why does he even bother to say such a thing? It'd would have been better if he hadn't said that.

Then he emailed and asked whether I have stopped talking to him because of the situation. Walau! I was away in Bali for the long weekend leh. Walau!


Miss Mo Takes on Bali



How would you react if you're Miss Mo?

Miss Mo got a call from Techee Ho. You know, one of those IT guys that only wears t-shirts without collars. There's a fine line between casual and sloppy, you know.

Anyway, Techee Ho called and I asked him 'Wassup'? He said 'Wassup har? Is the stock market up today? Or the opposition votes went up.' I was too shocked for words. Is he trying to be funny or he's just clueless of my question? I shake my head. Sigh!


Happy Birthday!

By the way, did you know it was Miss Mo's birthday 2 days ago?


Weekend of the Glutton

This past weekend has been a crazy eating weekend.

Fri dinner - Ember at Hotel 1929. Sheeshee restaurant at a C-town boutique hotel. The spicy lobster pasta was delicious but it didn't come with the lobster shell.

Sat lunch - Election day. Went to nearby coffee shop for fish soup rice noodles. Not too advisable to have that for lunch in a non-a/c place.

Sat pm - Savored Chinese tea on Neil Road

Sat dinner - Shun tofu at a Korean restaurant along Tg Pagar Road. The area has strange stores. On Duxton Road, there are sleazy bars but on the other side of the road, there's this posh Berjaya hotel. On Tg Pagar Road, it's filled with Bridal stores and more pool/KTV bars.

Sat night - Drank some nice cold sake at Chjimes, which was virtually dead.

Sun lunch - Went to Traders' Hotel for an International buffet. I stuffed myself with too much food!

Sun dinner - Went to Jumbo for chilli crabs! It's finger-licking good! Yummy!


Vietnamese Restaurant

Just today, I received this email from this guy from match.com. He claimed that he saw me having lunch last Friday at a Vietnamese restaurant near my workplace. I was having my lunch with my Aussie coworker.

Isn't that creepy? I guess if the guy's a hunk, I would think that it's the most wonderful thing in the world. He's alright-looking but I really should be careful.

But this reminds me of one of the many ads on craigslist.org. The ads always say 'If you're the girl who was standing on the #N downtown platform at Times Square, wearing a white turtleneck and short corduroy brown skirt with black knee-high leather boots, please reply this email.' LOL!


Miss Mo Goes Dating

Remember my wonderful evening at Altivo? So I also met up with this IT guy from Fedex, Mr H. We made small talk about the elections and about my blister (from rollerblading).

Since then, he's been text messaging me about election rallies and blisters. I really should teach these IT guys or even engineers out there to really list out a long list of topics to talk about that would capture the interests of girls.

It's really annoying after a while because it shows that the guys don't have anything else to talk about because all they do or they claim these are their hobbies are 'surfing the internet', going out with friends for meals and watching movies. These are NOT hobbies. They also claim that they do sports but when I ask them what did they do last weekend, they told me that they just stayed home and surf the net. Blah! Just shoot me!


I don't live in AMK leh!

I don't understand why the goverment makes it so obvious that they are trying hard to win the elections. I don't like in Ang Mo Kio and yet I'm in the amk GRC. My gf lives in AMK and she's voting for Yio Chu Kang. Even my friends in Seng Kang and Serangoon are voting for amk grc too.

Oh, I got to shake 2 PAP nominees' hands - Lim Boon Heng and Lim Hui Hua at YCK MRT station. I don't understand why they have to shake our hands. It's not chinese new year. They are not congratulating me. Are they trying to say 'hello' to me? Too bad, it's always in the morning and I'm always in a hurry for the train. If I had time, I would stop to ask them more questions, eg where do they get their white clothes from? Is it gross to touch some people's hands? The hawkers, the fishmongers? Kekeke! Why do they want to be a MP? Can they loosen up a bit? Can they stop posing for those cheesy elections pictures? Why is it that it took about 5 MPs to wash and clean the void decks when it only takes one Bangladeshi to do it? Have they ever seen PM Lee's kids?


Ember at Hotel 1929

Perhaps I had too high expectations prior to my visit to Ember restaurant, after reading all the good reviews about this restaurant. It's supposedly a restaurant, which sets trends, ie quite hip lah.

The layout was nice, in a boutique hotel, pretty near to Oriental Plaza, where This Fashion has a store. LOL! It's also near Blk 333 in C-town. LOL!

But now I know. I should always take it down 2 notches whenever I read reviews about fancy restaurants in Singapore. It's like a nice restaurant along 9th Ave in Hell's Kitchen leh. I think so far, Les Amis au Jardin lives up to the sheeshee-ness but it's also like an oldman restaurant, ala Plaza Hotel, Smith and Wolensky, old man waiters in jacket kind. LOL!

However, I'd say that the service at Ember was good. The waitress wasn't some young bodoh waitress but an experience knows-her-stuff waitress but she still forgot to give us breadplate at the beginning. Geesh...

But the food was pretty good overall.



More on podcasts

For those new to podcasts, there's a podcast called 'Podcasts for Dummies' on itunes.com. Check it out!


Chinese Etiquette

I was waiting for my train at YCK MRT Station the sunday before Labor Day. Whilst enjoying Lee-Hom on my iPOD, i suddenly spotted a half-naked man to my far right. I was a bit dumb-founded as the man seemed to have lifted his shirt up to just above his two dots. From where i was standing, it seemed pretty...erm...indecent. Few seconds later, his friends, likewise all Chinese laborers, reached the top of the escalator on the platform where he was standing. I spotted 2 more men with similar display. The most intriguing thing was: all of them were apparently dressed up with proper pants, leather belts, leather shoes and nice shirts...so that which did not make the lifting up of shirts very proper. They sort of walked with a swagger while showing off their greasy sweaty bellies and nipples, What made me felt nauseous was one of the men suddenly knelt in front of the other, using his hands to grope/play/measure(?!!??) the other's waist while both of them were in that half-naked mode. erm, excuse me, that really freaked me out a little...what the hell are they...doing?!?! hello!?

ok i know it's hot in the city, but this is not your local village in China, perhaps they should be sent to etiquette class once a week?


Cruising along east coast park

Last Saturday, I had a date at East Coast Park with Mr. N. It was our first date and he suggested blading at east coast since I just started learning. I wasn't looking forward to it since I was so exhausted from 2 hours of blading lessons in the morning.

Mr N looks very different from his picture. He had shoulder length hair, a la Federer. Hmm...perhaps that's where he got his inspiration from. He definitely looks vainer than his picture, which I don't deny that he's cute. We skated till the end of the path in half hour, chatting along the way. We were talking about blading, golfing, coffee-brewing, etc. I was nervous because of all the humps on the path and also because I had to be careful not to fall in front of him! We skated for an hour and called it a day.

We proceeded to Parkway Parade for dinner. It's been probably 20 years since I last went to PP. That place was so crowded that evening. We had Japanese and had a good conversation (in my opinion). Perhaps I was a little less sober but I thought we had a pretty good conversation.

We parted after dinner but I never heard from him since. Sigh! Why is it always like that? It's always not mutual....sigh! Will he ever call? Sigh!

By the way, Mr N sells kopi at Raffles Place. According to Nr N, his coffee taste just nice, just enough coffee, just enough Nestle condense milk. He shares his stall with a fruitstall auntie so check it out if you're in the vicinity. Ask him why he ditched Miss Mo!


Celebrity spotting at Altivo

I was at Altivo, atop of Mount Faber, 2 evenings ago. It's such a lovely place to have drinks and relax. It's quite a romantic place too. Lots of couches to make out amdist the mosquitoes. I went to a singles event and some of the guys were really annoying.

There was this Biology professor who teaches at NTU. He's sweaty and eat nachos with all of his fingers. Then he would proceed to shake hands with a girl without cleaning his hand. Gross! Then there was this engineer, who asked me strange questions like whether I keep a spreadsheet of spendings and savings since I have an accounting background. I told him that you don't need accounting knowledge to do that. His hobbies are surfing the internet and going out with friends - these are not hobbies. Urrgh!

We played the game 'Dismissed', which is like the MTV program. However, nobody knew what it was except me. Duh! Now, one of my criteria has to be someone who watches MTV.

So, you can tell that my evening wasn't all too good. However, it was redeemed when we spotted Lee-Hom Wang at the entrance. That's my first Asian celebrity spotting in Singapore. He's famous too. How exciting!

Btw, the bus that takes you back down the hill runs till 3am.