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Hot in the City

This is about the life of Miss Mo, a 30-something gal who recently moved back to Singapore from the US.


Miss Mo dumps date

Remember Ipoh Boy? I have decided to dump him. Here are the following reasons -

1) He is doing the same old sms thing which I dread; grammatically incorrect mundane sms. He likes sending sms to me in the mornings like 'good morning. h r u? had breakfast already?'. 'Today rain hor. caught in the rain?'

2) He has long fingernails, esp. the last finger on each hand.

3) He is not comfortable speaking English or Chinese. We converse in Cantonese. The last time I spoke that much Cantonese was with my hairdresser, Frankie, in Chinatown, Manhattan. Ipoh boy is from Malaysia. He went to a public school so he learnt little English and Chinese but lots of Malay. He says 'Restoran', instead of restaurant and spells Calsium.

4) He is laidback to the point of being lazy. After work, he either goes play badminton or goes home to watch Korean dramas. He has sets of VCDs of Korean dramas! He is not selective in movies. He watches whatever movie is out. He says he generally doesn't understand what they say in the movies. That is why he prefers action-packed movies.

5) He's vain. He has blond highlights on his hair, which is quite beng but for a 29 y/o guy like him, I don't think it's no longer acceptable, right? He intends to leave his hair longer so that he can perm it like the guys in the Korean dramas. Yikes!

6)He's vain because he wants to lose weight at his tummy. He played so much badminton that he hurt his back and now he can't play for the time being. Kekeke!

7)He's not widely read. He knows nothing about stocks. He asked me what is IMF.

8)I can't communicate with him.

I guess there are enough reasons to dump him, right? The question is how to do it diplomatically and tactfully??!


for this post

Blogger TravelnutZ Says:

Men watching Korean drama? That is sad. Dump him!

Blogger SuperSt*r Says:

erm, he doesn't know what is IMF!??! sheeeessh!! ok i can understand how you feel....he gots to go...

Blogger Unknown Says:

I asked him to get a 2nd opinion on his sore back. He asked whether I meant to see another doctor. What!??

Then I suggested he see a chiropractor. He asked me what a chiropractor is. Hmm...

Blogger SuperSt*r Says:



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