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Hot in the City

This is about the life of Miss Mo, a 30-something gal who recently moved back to Singapore from the US.


Bitching about dates

I'm kind of in a foul nasty mood today. Maybe I haven't had food so that's why I'm a little cranky.

Anyway, on Thurday evening, I went out with Ah Bui. Remember Ah Bui? He's the SAF security clearance guy. I wanted to eat Ramen and he proposed to meet at Clark Quay MRT to bring me to a secret place that have good Ramen. I was expecting the Miharu ramen at Gallery Hotel so I asked him. He said no, it wasn't. I figured he hasn't been there.

I was running late and when I reached the station at 6.30pm, he wasn't there. @#$@#$! I called and he said he was on his way. He was the one who suggested meeting earlier. Not a good start to the evening.

He suggested taking a tour of this new mall, Central. I thought the Ramen shop was in the mall. I saw this Marutama Ramen restaurant but he said this wasn't the restaurant we were going. But he refused to say where it was at first until I persisted. It was Tampopo restaurant at the basement of Liang Court lah. Aiyah, say so lah! So we took a tour of the mall and we came upon a branch of Sun and Moon Japanese restaurant. He said it was new and I said it's not new, I've tried the one at Wheelock Place and also the one at Chjimes. He was shocked that I actually have been to these places and not him. LOL! As we were walking along the riverbank, I commented that Central mall has many Japanese restaurants. He said that yeah, look, even the mall looks like the Japanese harujuku. Later, I found out that he hasn't even been to Japan. Hmm...

So we proceeded to Tampopo restaurant at Liang Court. It wasn't a restaurant that sold just Ramen. I had the spicy ramen and it wasn't too bad. Apparently, the restaurant is famous for the Kyushu pork soup ramen. The broth is boiled over 2 days and the restaurant only sells 20 bowls a day. After dinner, he suggested we tour the Meideya supermarket because he wants to look at the sushi and sashimi. Hmm...strange. I told him that there's an ice-cream place that sells delicious green-tea ice-cream by the supermarket. He said he didn't see it the last time he was there. Duh! If he didn't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. To show him that it does exit, I bought him a scoop of ice-cream from that place.

We walked to Robertson Quay since I told him I prefer it to Clark Quay. He agreed and also decided to 'show' me the area. To his surprise, I was pointing out the restaurants I've been to in that area and it seems that he hasn't been to any. Then why would he want to 'show' me around? He even wanted to introduce me to the Gallery Hotel but he led the wrong way and I had to show me the right way and was showing him the different restaurants at the hotel!

He asked me what I wanted to drink. I said probably wine but I've been trying out whiskey lately. He said 'oh, I know this place that you should go'. I said whether it was Highlander. I told him I've been there. LOL! I even commented and asked whether he thought I don't go out at all. LOL! In the end, I opted to have a Chimay Rouge at Brussels Sprout restaurant. The place is quite pretentious. We sat at the bar and the bartenders were pretty friendly and nice, unlike feedback from Travelnutz that the service was bad.

I feel that I had to keep quiet or act dumb in front of Ah Bui whilst he goes about 'showing' me what he thinks he knows. Else, I would be so annoyed! Ah Bui's is not a show-off person by nature but what he thinks he knows is very little compared to what is out there. Perhaps he probably thinks I don't go out much. It seems the way the guys in Singapore are. They think they have a certain knowledge, eg current affairs, general knowledge but actually I know more than them and the fact that they don't recognize this fact has been a little annoying for me.

Do you agree with that?

OK, so I was supposed to go out with Triplet tonight and he bailed out on me! That is because he was waiting to hear from his mahjong kaki to see whether there would be a mahjong session in the evening. I told him tactfully that he should have told me earlier and not make plans with me. He said he didn't know it was confirmed that we were meeting on Saturday. WTF! I think I'm going to dump him. Do you think I'm too rash. First, this is not the first time that mahjong takes priority over dating. Second, it's mahjong! That's so old people game. At least poker sounds better. Third, that's gambling so it's red flag for me. I know I've been picky in the past for not trying the relationship but do you think this time I should do it? Guess what! Triplet just text messaged me to say he just finished his mahjong session! He's still clueless!


for this post

Blogger quierotango Says:

forget the mahjong guy - this sounds like a deal breaker to me. i can just see him still hanging around for his mahjong kaki 10 years down the road. give ah bui a chance - maybe he just wants to impress you and is over eager.

by the way, eat next time. you sounded super cranky on this post.

Blogger SuperSt*r Says:

you sounded really bitchy...but i think i would feel the same way if i go out ah bui. and DUMP MahJong Guy, terrible! Low EQ somemore.


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